Managed Care Hemo

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation

Website provided by National Bleeding Disorders Foundation and its education partners


Hemophilia Education for Managed Care and Payer Professionals

Cindy Leissinger, MD

Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics & Pathology
Chief, Section of Hematology & Medical Oncology
Tulane University School of Medicine

Dr. Leissinger is currently Professor of Medicine and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology at Tulane University. She serves as Chief of the Hematology/Oncology Division. She is also Director of the Louisiana Center for Bleeding and Clotting Disorders. In addition to caring for patients with coagulation disorders, Dr. Leissinger oversees an active research program that receives funding from the National Institutes of Health as well as numerous other federal and industry sources. She participates in several clinical research groups and has been an active investigator for many research studies related to bleeding disorders, with a particular interest in Factor VIII inhibitor development and management.