Managed Care Hemo

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation

Website provided by National Bleeding Disorders Foundation and its education partners


Hemophilia Education for Managed Care and Payer Professionals

James Kenney, RPh, MBA



James Kenney, Jr., is the former Manager, Specialty and Pharmacy Contracts at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC). Harvard Pilgrim Health Care is a full service health benefits company located in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Harvard serves over 1,300,000 commercial and Medicare members and also operates exchange products in Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire. HPHC manages multiple formulary designs including open and closed formats, and administers all pharmacy benefit programs internally. Mr. Kenney has been with Harvard for over 35 years and has held several positions including Staff Pharmacist, Chief Pharmacist, Assistant Administrator for Pharmacy Programs, and Pharmacy Operations Manager. Currently, Mr. Kenney has corporate responsibility for the pharmacy contracts program with pharmaceutical manufacturers and specialty pharmacy providers in support of a budget of over $700,000,000. He is also a voting member of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.

His accomplishments include the creation and management of the network pharmacy program for the group practice model of Harvard, the development of the pharmacy rebate program, creation of the Medicare Part D contracting program, and co-leader of the Pharmacy Materials Management System Project. Mr. Kenney developed the specialty pharmacy program at HPHC for injectables and a second program in support of infertility management. He is a pharmacy preceptor for the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences. Mr. Kenney currently serves on the Massachusetts Pharmacists Association Government and Legislative Affairs Committee. He is also an active member of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy and has served on the Nomination Committee, Grassroots Advocacy Committee, Legislative and Regulatory Action Committee, Legislative Committee, Public Policy Committee, Format Executive Committee, as a Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, and currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors.