Managed Care Hemo

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation

Website provided by National Bleeding Disorders Foundation and its education partners


Hemophilia Education for Managed Care and Payer Professionals

John Fox, MD, MHA

Chief Boundary Spanner
Foxworthy Healthcare Consulting LLC

John Fox, MD MHA, was the Associate Chief Medical Officer at Priority Health, a provider-sponsored health plan with over 900,000 members from June 2000 through May 2019. He was responsible for medical and pharmaceutical technology assessment, use of medical resources, case management, and physician pay-for-performance programs. He was also responsible for development of new programs, including shared decision making, advanced care planning, integrated specialty pharmacy program, surgical optimization initiatives, and value-based benefit designs and contracts, oncology medical home programs, personalized medicine initiatives.

In June 2019 he became the Vice President of Clinical Transformation of Spectrum Health Systems, the parent company for Priority Health, and the Executive Medical Director for the West Michigan ACO, a clinical collaboration between Spectrum Health providers and Answer Health, the largest independent physicians organization in west Michigan.

The author of dozens of articles, Dr. Fox has written on the use of firearms in suicides, firearm-related deaths and hospitalizations, breast cancer mortality rates, asthma hospitalizations, hip fractures among the elderly and the impact of spine management programs on surgery rates. He has also written and lectured on value-based benefit design, the impact of genomics and proteomics on the future of medical practice, value-based contracting for drugs, devices, diagnostics, and gene therapy, and role of shared decision making in reducing unwarranted variations in healthcare utilization, including end-of-life care.

Dr. Fox earned his BS in chemistry and biochemistry in 1983 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He was awarded his Doctor of Medicine Degree by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, in 1989. He completed his residency in pediatrics in 1992 and fellowship with the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service in 1996. He was awarded a Masters of Health Administration by the University of Wisconsin, Department of Preventive Medicine in 2000.

He is married to Kristine and has three children. His two sons, two brothers, and three nephews are Eagle Scouts and his daughter a Gold Award recipient. He is very committed to youth leadership development through the Boy Scouts of America. He’s served as a den leader, cubmaster, assistant scoutmaster. In addition to a role as Vice President of Membership, he has also served as the President of the Board for the President Ford Field Service Council. He continues to practice medicine in third world countries, including Honduras, and leads one to two trips there annually with his church. He helps keep nature nearby through the Land Conservancy of West Michigan where he serves as a work crew leader and on its board of directors. He’s a longtime volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and still has all ten fingers and toes.