Managed Care Hemo

National Bleeding Disorders Foundation

Website provided by National Bleeding Disorders Foundation and its education partners


Hemophilia Education for Managed Care and Payer Professionals

Matthew Dull

Matthew Dull

Vice President, Government Analytics
Artia Solutions

Matt specializes in assisting clients with proposed and current State Medicaid activities, which include state budget and legislation analysis, Medicaid policy, fiscal, utilization, reimbursement rate analysis (Predictive Rebate Modeling) and program strategies. Prior to joining Artia Solutions, Matt served four years as a Senior Legislative Analyst for the Florida Senate, where he was responsible for developing the budget for the Florida Medicaid program and analyzing the fiscal impacts of policy proposals that may affect Florida’s Medicaid program. In addition to his fiscal responsibilities, Matt served as a staff member of the Florida Senate Select Committee on Florida Medicaid Reform, where he was instrumental in the development of the legislation for Florida’s recent ‘Medicaid Reform’ effort, and recently served as staff vice chair for the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) Health Committee. Previously, Matt served in the Office of Policy and Budget under Florida Governor Jeb Bush, where he was responsible for the development of the governor’s proposed Medicaid budget.

Before joining the executive office of the governor, Matt held several positions in Florida’s Medicaid administrative agency, where he most notably was responsible for launching and administering the ‘Silver Saver Prescription Drug Program,’ Florida’s State Prescription Assistance Program (SPAP). During his tenure at the agency, he also specialized in developing reimbursement rates and providing fiscal and utilization data analysis for Florida Medicaid’s various programs, which included Prescribed Drugs, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Physicians and other programs. Matt holds a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from the College of Business at Florida State University.