Sue Geraghty has been the Nurse Coordinator at the University of Colorado Denver Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center since 1988. Her responsibilities included the coordination of care for all patients with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, developing programs including outreach clinics, patient groups, the radionuclide synovectomy program, and home visits. In addition, Ms. Geraghty oversaw case management services, including direct contact with payers and vendors to ensure patients receive optimal medical care and supportive care services. Ms. Geraghty’s program has served as a model for best practices in care coordination for the management of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Sue continues to work as an independent health care consultant in Denver.
Ms. Geraghty received her Associate of Arts in Nursing at Lander College in Greenwood, SC and her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, NC. In addition, she received her Master of Business Administration from the University of Colorado.
She is a nationally recognized expert in the field of hemophilia and has authored more than a dozen peer-reviewed articles in journals like Haemophilia and Blood and she is an experienced speaker and educator on the topic. At the University of Colorado Health Science Center, she provides educational lectures for nursing staff and physical therapy students. |